• 第一篇 风机箱(离心式)
一、HTFC(DT)-I、II、V 系列低噪声消防排烟(两用)风机箱
二、BF 系列低噪声变风量风机箱
三、GDF 系列低噪声离心管道风机
四、CF 系列单吸厨房排油烟风机
五、YDF 系列诱导风机
  • 第二篇 轴流(混流、斜流)式风机
一、HTF(GYF)-I、II、III、D、G、IIG 系列消防排烟轴流风机
二、SWF(HLF、GXF)-I、II、H 系列高效混流风机
五、SDF 系列加压轴流风机
六、DZ 系列低噪声轴流风机
八、LFF 系列冷库专用风机
九、DBF 系列大型变压器专用冷却风机
十、SFZ 系列空调室外机组冷却风机
十二、DWEX 系列边墙式风机
十三、JT-LZ 系列冷却塔专用风机
  • 第三篇 屋顶通风风机
一、DWT-I 系列轴流式屋顶风机
二、DWT-II、III 系列离心式屋顶风机
三、DWT-IV 系列无电机涡轮屋顶排风机
四、RTC 系列铝制离心式屋顶风机
  • 第四篇 工业离心风机
二、9-19、9-26 高压离心风机
三、G(Y)4-73 锅炉离心风机
  • 第五篇 其他类风机
一、DJF-1、SR900 系列电动脚踏两用风机
二、BLD、APB 低噪声吸顶式房间通风器及百叶窗式换气扇
三、DPT 系列直流式静音风机
  • 第六篇 风阀、风口、消声器类
一、FHF WSDc-K、PFHF WSDc-K 系列防火阀、排烟阀、排烟口、送风口
二、SFK 系列铝合金风口
三、FDJ、JG 系列风机专用减振器
四、ZP、ZG、T701-6、WX 系列风机配套消声器、ZJ静压箱
五、XK-1(2) 系列电源控制箱
  • 第七篇 风机选用及安装维护
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      概况:绍兴上虞风机销售有限公司,位于国家风机产业基地浙江省绍兴市上虞区工业园,是国内先进的消防排烟、暖通系统的通风机供应商。公司集产品制造、销售一体化的高科技公司,最初成立于1992年,经过了近30年持续发展,具备行业领先的研制、开发、暖通系统设计及安装等综合实力;主要生产风机,风冷、防火阀、冷却塔、消音、空调设备等, 产品广泛应用于国内外电力、化工、冶金、医药、地铁、隧道、煤矿、制冷、造纸和大型工业厂房及机场、酒店、会展等著名建筑领域,并远销德国、巴西、印度及越南等国家。公司拥有优秀的员工、现代化的厂房、精良的生产工艺、完善的检测设备,具有年产10万台/套"上虞风机/上丰"的风机、风阀设备的制造能力。

Introduction: Shaoxing Shangyu Fan Sales Co Ltd is located in the industrial zone of Shangpu, Shangyu Zhejiang where is the Chinese national fan manufacturing base (center), and we are the domestic leading supplier of fans for fire- fighting, venting as well as for the heating and ventilation in China. Our firm is a high-tech company concentrating with both manufacturing and sales and the company was founded in 1992, and through the contineous development for longer than two decades, we are capable of performing the advanced design, research & development of heating & ventilation systems as well as the erection comprehensively in this circle. The main category of our products are fan, air cooling, air valve, cooling tower, attenuator and the air-conditioning equipment etc., which are widely applied in the industry of electric power, chemical, metallurgy, medicine, metro, tunnel, coal mine, refrigeration, paper making and the large-size of factory building, airport, hotel and those famous buildings for exhibition and conference domestically and abroad. Our products are exported to Germany, Kazakhstan, Brazil, India and Vietnam etc. The company owns the employees who are well educated and trained with enough experiences and the factory buildings equipped with modern devices. The superior technology of manufacturing as well as the full equipping of test and inspection is other outstanding advantage. We have the capability of producing 100,000 set/ suit of the fans and air valves under the brand of "Shangyu Fan".
Honors: the management of company always bear the notion of innovation, energy saving, environment protection and creditability to manage, and we are certified by ISO9001 and also achieved the certification of CCCF which is the certificating for Chinese national fire-fighting products. Moreover, we have also achieved the manufacturing license of China's state industrial product permission, and established the improved and advanced design, manufacturing, test & inspection as well as the sales plus the quality warranty system for pre-sales and after-sales services, enabling our products to reach or exceed the leading level of domestic circles and providing the customers with the reliable guarantee of adequate and quality products. The reputations gained are AA classification of "contract maintaining & creditability remaining firm", "member enterprise of quality management center", "key-point company of quality protection", "reliable brand of national standard-compliant firm", "recommended product for building construction", "popular product of quality satisfaction welcome by customer", "inspection-free product appointed and monitored by the quality association", "AAA firm of China credit", "one of the best ten fan brands in China", "famous brand", "energy saving and environment protection product" and "leading enterprise in the fan industry" etc., and these fames are authorized by the organizations such as the industrial & commercial administration and management, the center of Chinese quality management, the construction association of Chinese building, the supervision association of Chinese quality and technology, the certificating center of Chinese creditability, the authorization center of China's international brands etc.
The future: along with the re-industrialization among the economic entity globally and through the strategical creation by the thoughts of the Belt and Road Initiative, our company is planning to make the further enhancement of the innovation of science and technology, and also co-operated closely with the Zhejiang University, the Shanghai Communication University, the Nanjing Aviation and Aerospace University, we are aiming to the goal of new round of enterprise structure promotion led by the new energy application, low carbonization and the high-tech. We are also practicing the activities of turning from the expending of quantity to the innovation of technology, as well as the turning from the quality warranty to the manufacturing service. Our another goal is to develop towards the front-edge of international manufacturing and we are struggling and paying every effort we can to be able to establish the global brand of high level and the year-hundred's name of Shangyu fans world-wide.
绍兴上虞风机销售有限公司 © 2017-2024 版权所有    浙ICP备05063606号-1